
The Perks and Pitfalls of Law Firm Partnership

On Tuesday, February 26, Carol Starkey presented at the Boston Bar Association’s program, “The Perks and Pitfalls of Law Firm Partnership.” The event was sponsored by the BBA’s Recently Elected Partners Forum and is held at the beginning of each year. Attendees were able to talk with a panel of managing partners and law firm […]

The Interactive Process Under the ADA

On February 28, 2019, Mary ‘Beth’ O’Neal presented at the MCLE New England program “The Interactive Process Under the ADA: Understanding the informal process — legal rights and obligations under the disability employment laws.” The program provided an overview of the relevant principles of reasonable accommodation law and explains the best ways to use the […]

Fourth Annual Survive and Thrive

Michael Rossi appeared as a panelist at the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Fourth Annual Survive and Thrive event on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. The CLE program, Co-Chaired by Daniel Fishman*, brought together a panel of seasoned attorneys who provided newer attorneys with tips on how to “survive and thrive” during the first few years in the practice […]

Enforcing a Judgment: Pre-Judgment and Post-Judgment Remedies

Andrew Dennington presented at the Boston Bar Association’s CLE event “Enforcing A Judgment: Pre-Judgment and Post-Judgment Remedies,” which was held on Wednesday, April 4, 2019. The program reviewed tools that litigators can use to secure an anticipated judgment, and then successfully collect on it.

Step Into Spring With Conn Kavanaugh’s Associates

The Associates at Conn Kavanaugh welcomed spring with an associates-only networking reception on Thursday, April 4, 2019. The event allowed colleagues and friends to come together to see the firm and meet all of our associates. View photos from the event on our Facebook page here.

Fourth Annual Complex Commercial Litigation Conference

Erin Higgins appeared as a panelist at the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Fourth Annual Complex Commercial Litigation Conference on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. The program covered pressing issues in each of the three substantive litigation areas that complex commercial litigation encompasses: business, intellectual property, and bankruptcy.

Civil Litigation Series: Prepping and Taking Depositions

On Friday, April 26, Andrew Dennington was a panelist at the Boston Bar Association’s program “Civil Litigation Series: Prepping and Taking Depositions.” The program was part of the BBA’s Friday Fundamentals series and addressed the aspects of a case to consider when formulating a plan for a deposition and how to properly execute that plan […]